A wish-come-true brings lasting impact to a wish kid, their family, and entire communities. Wish kids say their wishes give them renewed strength to fight their illness and their parents say these experiences help strengthen the entire family. Volunteers feel an increased sense of compassion and desire to help others in their community.
Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Last year, Make-A-Wish granted more than 16,200 wishes throughout the U.S. and its territories. Approximately 27,000 children are diagnosed with a critical illness each year. Your contribution helps Make-A-Wish take one step closer to achieving the vision of granting the wish of every eligible child.
Make-A-Wish has been a proud partner of the Subaru Share the Love® Event since 2011. Since that time, Subaru has donated more than $35 million, helping to grant more than 3,600 wishes in the United States.
Our Partnerships
Through our partnership with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), Subaru and our retailers supported nearly 350,000 patients nationwide. We’re proud to be LLS’s largest automotive donor.
Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Make-A-Wish® and has helped grant more than 3,600 children life-changing wishes.
In 2007, Subaru started a partnership with Dining Out for Life International, an annual fundraising event for community-based health organizations serving people living with or impacted by HIV.