Our Retailers In Action

Vic Bailey Subaru

Vic Bailey Subaru partnered with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Georgia - South Carolina to donate 80 blankets and 10 patient care kits to patients in need at Gibbs Cancer Center as part of the Subaru Loves to Care initiative.

Bel Air Subaru

During the Subaru Loves to Care initiative, 80 blankets and 30 patient care kits were delivered to the Kaufman Cancer Center at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health by Bel Air Subaru and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Mid-Atlantic.

Gold Rush Subaru

Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital received 80 blankets and 10 patient care kits from Gold Rush Subaru in partnership with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Central Valley in June for the Subaru Loves to Care initiative.

Patient Stories

Approximately every three minutes, a person in the U.S. is diagnosed with a blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. The recovery can be long and often leaves them feeling weak, cold, and isolated. Subaru and our retailers are committed to helping patients through this challenging time.

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the global leader in supporting patients facing blood cancers. With more than $1.7 billion invested in groundbreaking research since 1949, LLS brings new therapies to patients and advances cancer research and treatments at a speed previously thought impossible, including next-generation immunotherapies and precision medicine. Every facet of the LLS mission — research, education and support, and advocacy — works in harmony to put blood cancer patients and their families first.

Our Partnerships

Through our partnership with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), Subaru and our retailers supported nearly 350,000 patients nationwide. We’re proud to be LLS’s largest automotive donor.

Subaru is the largest automotive donor to Make-A-Wish® and has helped grant more than 3,600 children life-changing wishes.

In 2007, Subaru started a partnership with Dining Out for Life International, an annual fundraising event for community-based health organizations serving people living with or impacted by HIV.

Interested in becoming a partner with Subaru? Just fill out our partnership request form.